Edit locations
The submenu Locations in the control window Territory organization summarizes commands that create location levels to this territory level. Territory locations assigned to the territories of this level can be managed here. These locations can be edited subsequently.
The following options are available in the context menu Edit for your locations:
The command Show Relationships Territories to Territory Sites creates an arrow pointing to its territory for each site that is outside the area of its territory. This command generates an analysis relationships, which can then be redesigned, made visible or invisible like any other analysis.
The command Show Relationships Territory-Sites to Parent Sites creates for each site a line to the parent level site to which the site is subordinate (only available for multiple levels). This command generates an analysis relationships, which can then be redesigned, made visible or invisible like any other analysis.
Select this command if you want to create a location for a territory and have no tables for it. In the dialog box you can select the number, the name and the corresponding territory under Properties and enter the basic block under Position, or the longitude and latitude under Position, or the longitude and latitude under Position using geocoded coordinates.
A special mode is started which allows you to place a new location with a mouse click. You can exit the mode by clicking the arrow button on the toolbar.
A special mouse pointer indicates this mode. The appearance of the mouse pointer shows you at which positions the insertion of a new location would be allowed.
A prerequisite for insertion is that the mouse pointer is over a map showing the affected locations.
Here you can reload or modify the basic data of the territory locations. The Load Basic Data Wizard is started, in which you can specify the details.
A dialog opens in which you can specify the name of the locations. The following options are available:
- Naming sites according to their assigned territories
- Name sites after a basic building block in which they are geographically located.
- Name locations according to the next city of a city level.
Define the procedure according to which the new numbers are to be assigned. You can either assign the numbers according to geographical location (e.g. from North 1 to South n) or you can load an assignment table that contains the old and the new area number.
Create corresponding areas in the territory table for the existing locations. This allows you to transfer the numbering and naming of the sites to the territory and use them further.
Deletes all unassigned territory locations of the selected level.
Here you can reload or modify the assignment between the territories and the territory locations. The Load Assignment wizard is started, in which you can specify the details.
Select the update mode:
Reload All
This update mode allows you to dismap the existing assignment by importing a new assignment table. You can switch between imported and linked association data.
This update mode allows you to retain the existing assignment and assign the bricks that have not yet been assigned to the correct territories using an assignment table. The update mode is only available if the assignment can be changed.
This mode allows you to update the assignment of territories. After importing the data, the existing assignments are dismaped if necessary and replaced with the newly loaded data. The update mode is only available if the assignment can be changed.
This update mode is only possible if you allowed multiple assignments when creating your structure. It must also be possible to change the assignment used. If your data is loaded for the existing assignment, both structures are retained.
Deletes all assignments between the basic building blocks and the territory locations.
Tables of locations
Special Tables can be created for the locations and the visibility of the tables can be called via the context menu in the control window Territory organization.
You can also call up the properties of the location level in the area organization via the context menu in the control window area organization . Right-click a site level in the tree to open the context menu. Select Properties.
Section Common
Caption | |
Layer |
Specifies the name of the layer. This is displayed, for example, in the control windows. |
One Location | Specifies the name of a location on this level. |
Multiple Locations | Defines the name of several locations at this level. This is often the same as the level name. |
Structure | |
Territory Layer | Indicates the territory level to which these sites belong. |
Multi-Assignment | Determines whether multiple assignment from the territories to the locations of this level is allowed (see section Location assignments). |
Data area
Here you can view the data on which the territory structure is based. This is the data that you enter in the wizard on the pages Specify planning levels: Basic data or Specify the planning levels: Assignment have made.
- If you are using linked, non-changeable data, you can view the details of the active link here.
- If the data has been initialized, the information refers to the time when the data was loaded. If after that time changes to the basic or allocation data were made manually or by optimization, the data in easymap may differ from data in the specified data source. With each assignment the data diverge.