
With the command raster easymap offers the possibility to display location-related information (e.g. turnover of individual branches) on the map via a grid. For this purpose, the values of a specific data column of all locations located in a raster cell are aggregated and the raster cells are colored depending on the values. To insert a raster, drag the corresponding data column from the control window Data via Drag&Drop onto the map.

Figure: Address distribution in the city centre

Data input

First, link the table with the selected base map. Select whether you want to place the locations by Areas or Addresses or Geographic Coordinates. Please find more information on placement types here.

Set Properties of the Analysis

After selecting the data basis, you can select the data column in the area grid colors after which the screen cells are to be colored in the next step.

Note: You can also insert your analysis via the menu bar Analyze. You get an analysis without predefined settings and value classes.

Grid Colors

The aggregation of the selected column determines how the data that falls into a grid cell is aggregated. If, for example, customers are to be counted in a grid cell, set the aggregation to number records. You can find more information on the various aggregation options here.

There are numerous classification options available for the coloring of grid cells. Besides the count of classes, you may specify how the boundary values are set. The colors of each class can be set individually or via a color gradient. Individual colors for each class can also be set automatically clicking Colors > Generate Random Colors.

For more information on editing classes, symbols, colors and sizes, see here.

Grid properties

First properties of the grid can be edited directly in the map view. By clicking on a grid cell, for example, you can influence the grid size (by zooming in or out of the cell) and the origin of the grid (by moving the selected grid cell). This can be useful if a certain area (e.g. the center of a city) should lie as completely as possible within a raster cell.
These and other properties of the raster grid can be found in the Details area and adjusted even more precisely. Besides the width, you can adjust the color of the grid frame or set the origin of the grid more precisely by specifying X and Y coordinates.


The commands of the context menu

You can call up its context menu by right-clicking on the analysis in the control window contents. The context menu offers actions that can be performed on this analysis.