Copy and Paste

Almost all contents of an easymap workbook can be copied and pasted into the same workbook or another workbook. Some objects can even be pasted into other Windows programs (e.g. legend elements and freehand graphic objects like texts or graphics). For other objects, restrictions and other special features must be taken into account.


The following table describes where objects can be inserted after copying. The described possibilities exist regardless of whether an object is to be inserted within the same workbook or into another workbook.

object type Workbook Sheet Map Other Windows program
Sheet x      
Map   x    
legend element   x x x
Freehand graphic object   x x x
geography objects   x x x
Print Area   x x x
Tables x     (x)


Please note the following information:

  • Individual map layers and elements of map layers cannot be copied.
  • Copied objects cannot be pasted into a map layer.
  • Copying a legendary element causes the copy to appear elsewhere, but the legend element still refers to the same analysis as before the copy.
  • Copying a Geography object (e.g. inset map, scale) causes the copy to appear elsewhere, but the Geography object still refers to the same map as before the copy.
  • To copy Tables within an easymap workbook or from one workbook to another workbook, use the commands Copy and Paste in the context menu of the control window Data and in the menu Data under Administrate.
  • If you want to insert the contents of a table in another Windows program, please select the complete table and then select the Copy button in the table toolbar (at the top of the table).
  • Before executing the Paste command, make sure that exactly the object into which you want to paste the copied object is selected. If you want to be sure, open the control window Content and right-click on the object you want to paste the copied object into.
  • To insert existing content into a new or another workbook, you can open easymap a second time, then copy the desired object in one workbook and paste it into the other workbook.

Commands for copying

Use the following commands to copy certain workbook objects (i.e. to place their contents on the clipboard):

  • Menu command Edit > Copy: Copies the current sheet to the clipboard.
  • Context menu command Copy (control window content or in the map window): Copies the selected objects to the clipboard.
  • Context menu command Copy (Control window Data): Copies the table or query to the clipboard.
  • Context menu command Copy (Control Window Territory organization): Copies the territory structure to the clipboard.
  • Hold down the Shift key to copy objects in the control window Content by Drag&Drop.

Time of copying

The objects are not actually copied until they are inserted. When you execute one of the Copy commands, only the objects to be copied are noted. As a result, the state of the objects when they are pasted is not the state at the time they were copied, but the state at the time they were pasted. Changes made after copying are still included! This behavior is different from Microsoft Office programs. However, it increases the processing speed considerably.

Note: The copied objects should be pasted again as soon as possible after copying.


At the time of pasting, the copied objects are read out and pasted at the desired position (see remarks under time of copying). Therefore the source must also be available at the time of insertion. Can do it:

  • Copied sheets or map elements can only be inserted as new sheets or into existing map elements.
  • Copied tables or queries can only be pasted as new tables or queries in the Data control window.
  • Copied territory structures can only be inserted as a new territory structure in the control window Territory organization.

When an object is copied, any other objects required to paste that object are also copied.

Insert into the same workbook

Copying maps containing analysis layers also copies the analyses used.

Insert into a new workbook

Copying maps can entail copying analyses, tables, queries or territory structures needed in this map.

Forbidden constellations

Certain constellations are rejected during copying and pasting:

  • Copied sheets may only be pasted as new sheets. If you want to copy all contents of a sheet to an existing sheet, select all objects on that sheet and copy them (instead of selecting and copying the entire sheet).
  • Single layers may only be inserted into other maps, if their coordinate system is identical with the source map.
  • Individual analysis layers may not be copied into other maps. If necessary, copy the entire map and delete any layers you no longer need from the copy.
  • Objects that refer to other objects cannot be copied individually to new workbookn without their reference object. Instead, copy these objects together with their reference objects and paste them together. Examples of such cases:
    • Legends can only be copied together with their analyses
    • inset mapn or Km scales can only be copied together with their maps.
    • inset mapn cannot be inserted into the map whose section you are showing. This would result in a circular reference.