The Base Maps
All maps used in easymap are listed in the control window base maps.
Base maps in LTG file format
The standard maps included in easymap have the file extension *.LTG. This closed file format can only be opened and used with the programs easymap or districtmanager and not in other geoinformation systems.
More information about LTGs can be found here.
Which other map formats can easymap use?
- ESRI Shapefiles (.shp) - a geodata format originally developed for ESRI's ArcView software.
- Refx2 - Own created territory structures from the
- raster maps in GeoTiff format
- DMP - the file format from old districtmanager projects
- DIK - The file format DIK was used in earlier software versions of Lutum+Tappert. For compatibility reasons, easymap still supports this format. When inserting a DIK-base map, it is dynamically converted into a LTG-base map, so that the inserted layers behave exactly like layers from LTG-base maps.
- TAB - a geodata file format from MapInfo.
KML - plain text geodata format with XML notation
GeoJson - Plain Text - Geodata format with JSON Notation
- Barrier base maps (*.bar.ltg) - further information
Note: Please note that not all geodata in these formats can be processed by easymap. Especially files that combine different types of geometry in one plane (e.g. surfaces and lines) cannot be processed by easymap. The formats KML and GeoJson are defined in plain text and allow great freedom in defining the geometries. Again, not all constellations can be processed by easymap.
Even if a base map is listed in the control window base maps, it cannot be guaranteed that easymap is able to process the data, because the exact check of the data takes place only when inserting it on the sheet.
Note: Important: due to technological reasons easymap processes geodata in the plain text formats KML and GeoJson much slower than in the other formats (such as Ltg, Shp or Tab). We recommend not to use these formats in extensive analyses or as a basis for area organization. With the map export you have the possibility to export these geodata formats as SHP file. Then build your workbook on these files to benefit from the significantly better performance.
Inserting Internet Maps as Background Maps
easymap offers you an interface for the integration of maps from the Internet, e.g. to load road maps into the workbook for visualization. Learn here how to insert an internet map.
Change Base Maps
You can update all the maps in your workbook. You can also switch levels to a different territory structure without losing all settings or having to recreate the analyses.
The procedure for changing base maps is explained here.
map projections
Normally you do not often come into contact with coordinate systems and projections when working with easymap. easymap automatically combines maps of different projections with each other.
If you want to know more about this topic, read the chapter Projections and coordinate systems.