Click or drag to resize

WindowlessComponent Methods

The WindowlessComponent type exposes the following members.

Public methodApplyTheme
Applies theming properties to the WindowlessComponent
Public methodCanInsertInto
Asks the WindowlessComponent if it could be inserted into the specified container
Public methodCreateGraphics
Creates an GDIPlus graphics context.
Public methodCreatePaintArgs
Create a new instance of PaintArgs.
Public methodDraw
Draws the windowless component object.
Public methodDrawHighlighted
Draws the highlighted state of the object.
Public methodDrawSelection
Draws selected windowless components.
Public methodDrawUnscaled
Draws the windowless component object without scaling even scaling is available.
Public methodFocus
Sets the input focus
Public methodGetAllElementsAtLocation
Gets a list of all WindowlessComponents at the specified location
Public methodGetChildsAt(PointF, HitTestAccuracy)
Gets the WindowlessComponent at the specified location.
Public methodGetChildsAt(PointF, HitTestAccuracy, Single)
Gets the WindowlessComponent at the specified location.
Public methodCode exampleGetFirstChildAt
Gets first WindowlessComponent element by userdefined parameters.
Public methodGetLocation
Returns the current Location of the component
Public methodGetRootLocation
Returns the Location of the root element
Public methodGetViewport
Returns the current Location of the viewport
Public methodHitTest
Returns true if HitTest was successfull.
Public methodInvalidate
Invalidates the client area of the WindowlessComponent
Public methodPointToParent
Converts a PointF from screen coordinates to the coordinate system of the (parent) WindowlessComponent
Public methodPointToScreen
Converts a PointF from the coordinate system of the (parent) WindowlessComponent to screen coordinates
Public methodRectangleToParent
Converts a RectangleF from screen coordinates to the coordinate system of the (parent) WindowlessComponent
Public methodRectangleToScreen
Converts a RectangleF from the coordinate system of the (parent) WindowlessComponent to screen coordinates
Public methodSelect
Selects the WindowlessComponent
Public methodSetBounds
Set the bounding box of the component using the coordinate system of the parent
Public methodSetClientBounds
Set the bounding box of the component using pixel coordinates
Public methodSetLocation
Set a new Location of the component
Public methodSetRootLocation
Set a new Location of the root element
Public methodSetViewport
Set a new Location of the viewport
Public methodUnSelect
Removes the WindowlessComponent from the selection list.
See Also