Click or drag to resize

Easymap.AddIn.Common Namespace

The Easymap.AddIn.Common namespace contains common classes that provides the main functionality of Easymap.
Public classCommonFactory
Common methods and properties.
Public classDragDropArgs
Base EventArgs class, which provides data for drag-and-drop events.
Public classElementInfo
Public classElementInfoCollection
Public classHighlightedObjectCollection
List of all highlighted objects.
Public classInternalException
Defines exceptions that are thrown by a test item provider and that are wrapped in this exception.
Public classKeyEventArgs
Provides data for the key events.
Public classLTComponent
Base Component Class
Public classLTComponentArray
Array of LTComponents
Public classLTComponentArrayWriteable
Array of LTComponents which will be exported.
Public classLTComponentChangedArgs
Base ChangedArgs class for LTComponent
Public classLTComponentCollection
List of all available LTComponentes
Public classMouseEventArgs
Base EventArgs class, which provides data for mouse events.
Public classPaintArgs
Provides data for paint events.
Public classCode examplePropertyBag
Used to store string properties.
Public classScaleSettings
Defines scale settings which is provided by WindowlessComponents.
Public classSelectedObjectCollection
List of all selected objects.
Public classSizeF
Stores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers.
Public classWindowlessComponent
Represents an object on the paper
Public classWindowlessComponentArray
Public classWindowlessComponentEventArgs
Base EventArgs class for WindowlessComponents
Public interfaceIDocumentProperty
Interface for the EasyMap document
Public interfaceIForceVisible
Interface for EasyMap objects, which can force the visibility state.
Public interfaceIGetJson
Public delegateDragDropHandler
Delegate for DragDrop events.
Public delegateKeyEventHandler
Delegate for KeyUp or KeyDown event.
Public delegateLTComponentChangedHandler
Represents the method that will handle the LTComponentChanged event.
Public delegateMouseEventHandler
Delegate for mouse events.
Public delegatePaintEventHandler
Delegate for the paint event.
Public delegateWindowlessComponentEventHandler
Delegate for WindowlessComponent events.
Public enumerationChangeCategory
Specifies the category, which was changed on element.
Public enumerationDragDropEffects
Specifies the possible effects of a drag-and-drop operation.
Public enumerationDrawAction
Specifies the draw action
Public enumerationHitTestAccuracy
Specifies the HitTest accuracy
Public enumerationHitTestMode
Specifies the method used to select object using a boundingbox or radius GetChildsAt(PointF, HitTestAccuracy)
Public enumerationMouseButtons
Specifies which mouse button was pressed.
Public enumerationMoveMode
Specifies the MoveMode of a component