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DataSource Class

Base class for datasources.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn.Data
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public class DataSource : LTComponent, IListSource

The DataSource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowEdit
Gets a value indicating whether the rows are editable.
Public propertyAllowNew
Gets a value indicating whether new rows can be added.
Public propertyAllowRemove
Gets a value indicating whether the rows are removeable.
Public propertyColumns
Gets the ColumnCollection of the datasource.
Public propertyContainsListCollection
True if current datasource contains in the list.
Public propertyLTComponent
Gets the associated LTComponent of the datasource.
Public propertyReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the datasource is readonly.
Public propertyRows
Gets the RowCollection of the datasource.
Public methodFilter
Finds all rows which matches the give filter expression.
You can find the correct filter syntax in EasyMap manual.
Public methodFilterAny
Finds all rows which matches the give filter expression.
You can find the correct filter syntax in EasyMap manual.
Public methodFind
Finds the first row which value of the specified Column matches the specified value.
Public methodFindAny
Finds all rows which values of the specified Column matches the specified value.
Public methodFindAnyKey
Finds all rows which values of the specified Column matches the specified key.
Public methodFindKey
Finds the first row which value of the specified Column matches the specified key.
Public methodGetList
Gets IList of the current datasource.
See Also