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TableDataSource Class

Specifies the datasource of the associate table
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn.Data
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public class TableDataSource : DataSource

The TableDataSource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataProvider
The DataProvider from which the data will be initially loaded (or reloaded if the table is Linked to its datasource)
Public propertyDataViewEnabled
Public propertyLinked
True if the table is linked with its datasource
Public propertyPrimaryKey
The primarykey of the table
Public methodAddDataFromDataReader(IDataReader)
Add new content to the datasource
Public methodAddDataFromDataReader(IDataReader, CultureInfo)
Add new content to the datasource
Public methodAddDataFromDataTable(DataTable)
Adds content to the datasource
Public methodAddDataFromDataTable(DataTable, CultureInfo)
Adds content to the datasource
Public methodAddDataFromOleDBConnection
Adds the content of the datasource
Public methodAddDataFromXmlString
Adds content to the datasource
Public methodGetDataView
Returns the filtered DataSource used in tableviews and Analysis
Public methodLoadDataFromDataReader(IDataReader)
Replaces the content of the datasource
Public methodLoadDataFromDataReader(IDataReader, CultureInfo)
Replaces the content of the datasource
Public methodLoadDataFromDataTable(DataTable)
Replaces the content of the datasource
Public methodLoadDataFromDataTable(DataTable, CultureInfo)
Replaces the content of the datasource
Public methodLoadDataFromOleDBConnection
Replaces content to the datasource
Public methodLoadDataFromXmlString
Replaces the content of the datasource
Public methodRefresh
Reload the data from the DataProvider
See Also