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ChangeCategory Enumeration

Specifies the category, which was changed on element.

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn.Common
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public enum ChangeCategory
  Member nameValueDescription
Nothing0 Nothing changed.
Name1 Name was changed.
Caption2 Caption was changed.
Deleted4 Element was deleted.
Visible8 Visibility was changed.
Selection16 Selection was changed.
Structure65280 All structural settings have been changed.
Insert256 Specified element was inserted.
Remove512 Specified element was removed.
Moved1024 Specified element was moved.
ChildInsert2048 A child element was inserted to the specified element.
StructureUnspecific4096 Not relevant.
Icon65536 Icon was changed.
VisualOutput131072 Not relevant.
Property262144 Not relevant.
Unspecific268435456 Not relevant.
Extended536870912 Deduction of LTComponentChangedEventArgs which has further informations.
All268435455 Everything changed.
See Also