Click or drag to resize

WindowlessComponent Properties

The WindowlessComponent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowCopy
True if the component is copyable
Public propertyBorder
Returns Pen property
Public propertyBounds
The bounding box RectangleF of the component using the coordinate system of the parent
Public propertyCanDrag
If True, component allows drag-and-drop
Public propertyCanFocus
True if componet is focusable
Public propertyCanSelect
True if component is selectable
Public propertyCanSelectChilds
True if the child items can be selected
Public propertyClientBounds
The bounding box of the component using pixel coordinates
Public propertyDocument (Overrides LTComponentDocument.)
Public propertyEffectiveVisible
True, if component should be visible or not
Public propertyExclusiveVisibilityGroup
The name of the exclusive visibility group
Public propertyFill
Returns Brush property
Public propertyHasFocus
True if the component is in focus
Public propertyHideSelection
True if component is hidden selection
Public propertyHighlighted
True if component is highlighted
Public propertyHitsOutsideLocation
True if component allows the hittest outside the location
Public propertyIsBorderVisible
True if Border is visible
Public propertyIsShadowVisible
True if Shadow is visible
Public propertyKeepAspectRatio
True if component is kept aspect ratio
Public propertyMeasurement
Returns Measurement of a component
Public propertyMoveable
True if component is moveable
Public propertyMoveMode
Returns the MoveMode of a component
Public propertyParent
Returns the parent element of the component
Public propertyPath
Returns the path of a component
Public propertyRoot
Returns the root element of the component
Public propertyScaleSettings
The scale settings of the WindowlessComponent
Public propertySelected
True if component is selected
Public propertySensitiveLocation
Returns the location where the component is visible.
Public propertyShadow
Returns Pen property
Public propertySheet
Returns the associate Sheet of the component
Public propertySizable
True if component is sizeable
Public propertyTransform
Get an Transform object from windowless component
Public propertyUniformVisibilityGroup
The name of the uniform visibility group
Public propertyUsableArea
Returns the usable area of the component
Public propertyVisible
Visible state of the windowless component
Public propertywindowlessComponent
Returns the WindowlessComponent property
See Also