Click or drag to resize

WindowlessComponent Events

The WindowlessComponent type exposes the following members.

Public eventClick
The Click Event gets fired when the user clicks on the hitarea of the WindowlessComponent
Public eventDragDrop
The DragDrop Event gets fired when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
Public eventDragOver
The DragOver Event gets fired when an object is dragged over WindowlessComponent's bounds.
Public eventDrawContent
The DrawContent event gets fired when the component is drawn.
Public eventKeyDown
The KeyDown Event gets fired when a key is pressed while WindowlessComponent has focus.
Public eventKeyUp
The KeyUp Event gets fired when a key is released while WindowlessComponent has focus.
Public eventLocationChanged
The LocationChanged Event gets fired when the location of WindowlessComponent has changed.
Public eventMouseDown
The MouseDown Event gets fired when the mouse pointer is over the hitarea of the WindowlessComponent and a mouse button is pressed.
Public eventMouseEnter
The MouseEnter Event gets fired when the mouse pointer enters the WindowlessComponent.
Public eventMouseHover
The MouseHover Event gets fired when the mouse pointer rests on the hitarea of the WindowlessComponent.
Public eventMouseLeave
The MouseLeave Event gets fired when the mouse pointer leaves the WindowlessComponent.
Public eventMouseMove
The Move Event gets fired when the user moves over the hitarea of the WindowlessComponent
Public eventMouseUp
The MouseUp Event gets fired when the mouse pointer is over the hitarea of the WindowlessComponent and a mouse button is released.
Public eventViewportChanged
The ViewportChanged Event gets fired when the viewport of WindowlessComponent has changed.
See Also