Specifies the alignment of a System.Drawing.Pen object in relation to the theoretical, zero-width line.
EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
SyntaxPublic Enumeration PenAlignment
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Center | 0 |
Specifies that the System.Drawing.Pen object is centered over the theoretical line.
| Inset | 1 |
Specifies that the System.Drawing.Pen is positioned on the inside of the theoretical line.
| Outset | 2 |
Specifies the System.Drawing.Pen is positioned on the outside of the theoretical line.
| Left | 3 |
Specifies the System.Drawing.Pen is positioned to the left of the theoretical line.
| Right | 4 |
Specifies the System.Drawing.Pen is positioned to the right of the theoretical line.
See Also