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Matrix Class

Encapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn.Common.Graphics
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public class Matrix : BaseObject, ICloneable

The Matrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyElements
Gets an array of floating-point values that represents the elements of this Matrix.
Public propertyIsIdentity
Gets a value indicating whether this Matrix is the identity matrix.
Public propertyIsInvertible
Gets a value indicating whether this Matrix is invertible.
Public propertyOffsetX
Gets the x translation value of this Matrix.
Public propertyOffsetY
Gets the y translation value of this Matrix.
Public methodClone
Creates an exact copy of this Matrix.
Public methodEquals (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodInvert
Inverts this Matrix, if it is invertible.
Public methodMultiply(Matrix)
Multiplies this Matrix by the matrix specified in the matrix parameter, by prepending the specified Matrix.
Public methodMultiply(Matrix, MatrixOrder)
Multiplies this Matrix by the matrix specified in the matrix parameter, and in the order specified in the order parameter.
Public methodReset
Resets this Matrix to have the elements of the identity matrix.
Public methodScale
Applies the specified scale vector (sx and sy) to this Matrix using the specified order.
Public methodTransformPoint
Transforms the specified PointF
Public methodTransformRectangle
Transforms the specified RectangleF
Public methodTransformSize
Transforms the specified size
Public methodTranslate
Applies the specified translation vector to this Matrix in the specified order.
See Also