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LayerElementCollection Class

List of all available layer elements.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn.Mapping
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public sealed class LayerElementCollection : BaseObject, 
	IEnumerable<LayerElement>, IEnumerable

The LayerElementCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the LayerElementCollection
(Overrides BaseObject.Dispose.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox(IEnumerableObject)
Gets the bounding box of the associate layer element by an object which implements IEnumerable.
Public methodGetBoundingBox(String)
Gets the bounding box of the associate layer element by an array of keys.
Public methodGetByKey
Gets a LayerElement by key.
Public methodGetByKeyArray(IEnumerable)
Gets a list of LayerElements by keys which implements IEnumerable.
Public methodGetByKeyArray(String)
Gets an array of LayerElements by an array of keys.
Public methodGetByLocation
Gets the first LayerElement at the specified WGS84 lat/lon coordinate.
Public methodGetByPolygon
Gets the LayerElements within the specified Polygon.
Public methodGetByRadius
Gets the LayerElements within the specified radius at the specified location.
Public methodGetByRect
Gets the LayerElements within the specified RectangleF
Public methodGetElementsByLocation
Gets all LayerElements at the specified WGS84 lat/lon coordinate.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Enumerates through the list of layer elements.
See Also