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MapLayer Class

Represents a map layer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn.Mapping
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public class MapLayer : WindowlessComponent, IListSource

The MapLayer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainsListCollection
Public propertyElementBounds
The bounds of all elements
Public propertyElementInfos
Gets an collection of ElementInfos
Public propertyFilename
Returns the filename associated with the MapLayer
Public propertyLayerElements
Gets an collection of layer elements.
Public propertyLayerType
Returns the type of the given layer.
Public propertyMapComponent
Gets the associate map of the map layer.
Public propertyStyles
Returns the LayerStyleCollection of the MapLayer
Public propertyVisible (Overrides WindowlessComponentVisible.)
Public methodGetComponentByKey
Returns a associate LayerElementComponent of the map layer by key.
Public methodGetList
Gets IList of the current result datasource.
Public methodGetResultDataSource
Returns the data source of result table.
Public methodHasClip
Returns true if the MapLayer is clipped
Public methodRemoveClip
Inherit the clip from the parent Map.
Public methodReset
Resets the settings of all layer elements.
Public methodResetLocations
Resets the locations of all layer elements.
Public methodSelectElements(String)
Select elements using an array of keys.
Public methodSelectElements(IEnumerableLayerElement)
Select elements using a LayerElement which implements IEnumerable.
Public methodSelectElements(IEnumerableLayerElementComponent)
Select elements using a LayerElementComponent which implements IEnumerable.
Public methodSetClip(ClipOperation, IEnumerableLayerElement)
Set the clip for this layer.
Public methodSetClip(ClipOperation, ListObject)
Set the clip for this layer.
Public methodSetClip(ClipOperation, String)
Set the clip for this layer.
See Also