RTF text

In addition to the text elements, RTF objects offer the possibility to format text differently within a contiguous text block. Thus whole text passages from other programs (e.g. word processing) can be taken over by Copy & Paste without loss of the respective formatting.

RTF editor

The RTF editor is a simple editor that you can use to format texts. You can set the font characteristics (font, size, color, style) and alignment for individual parts of the text. To do this, select parts of the text and then select the appropriate formatting in the toolbar.

Calling the editor

Start the content editing of the RTF text by clicking twice on the inserted text field in the map or by opening the Properties via the context menu and edit the content of the text under Settings > Text.

context menu

Use the context menu within the editor text area to copy and paste text passages.


  • If the formatting capabilities of the editor are not sufficient for you, you can also edit the text in other programs that offer more options here. Then you can copy the text in the other program and paste it into the RTF editor of easymap using the context menu. Large parts of the formatting are then applied.
  • easymap can display not all RTF elements. You should limit yourself to formatted text. Images, tables and other complicated constructs within RTF texts are not displayed in easymap.
  • For the display of the workbook in the easymap explorer: RTF-Texts are available in easymap explorer Strongly not available.


Setting options in detail:


You can right-click on an object in the control window Contents or on a selected object in the map window to open its context menu. This offers some actions that can be performed on this object.