Click or drag to resize

Sheet Properties

The Sheet type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientBounds
The Bounds of the map control
Public propertyCurrentMode
Current select mode
Public propertyHandle
Returns IntPtr of the current sheet.
Public propertyHighlightedObjects
List of highlighted objects
Public propertyIsDirty
Content has changed
Public propertyLockSelectionContainer
If selection container is locked, the return value is true otherwise false. If true only elements in specified layer can be selected.
Public propertyMaps
List all maps in this Sheet.
Public propertyReadOnly
The user can modifies the map.
Public propertyRoot
Root element of this sheet.
Public propertySelectable
The user can select object by click.
Public propertySelectedObjects
List of selected objects.
Public propertySelectionContainer
Get or set the current layer for selecting elements. Use property LockSelectionContainer if only elements in specified layer are selectable.
Public propertyShowLineal
Show the lineal
Public propertyShowProperties
The user can open property dialogs for specific objects.
Public propertyShowWorkspace
Should the Workspace (background behind the paper area) be drawn.
Public propertyUseDisplayScale
Specifies if the scale of Maps is calculated according to the physical size of the Sheet or the current display of the Sheet
Public propertyWindow
The window element of this sheet.
See Also