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IAddIn Interface

Base interface for EasyMap application AddIns. The class gets automaticaly loaded on startup if it is decorated with the AddInAttribute (Note: A reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition is regquired!)

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public interface IAddIn

The IAddIn type exposes the following members.

Public methodInitialize
Initialize will by called by EasyMap to initialize the AddIn.
Public methodUnInitialize
Currently not used.
To create an AddIn create a new classlibrary project, add a reference to the Easymap.AddIn.dll (set copylocal to false, set the output folder of the project to one of the AddIn folders), create a new class, implement IAddIn and set the AddInAttribute (a reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition is required!) for the class.
Sample AddIn implementation
[AddIn("MyAddIn","MyAddIn Description")]
public class MyAddIn: IAddIn
    public MyAddIn()

    public void Initialize()
        //Initialization code goes here
        //Use the Application.Current static Member to access the Application class

    public void UnInitialize()
See Also