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DocumentMetadata Class

Contains common metadata like author, last saved date, etc.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public class DocumentMetadata : BaseObject

The DocumentMetadata type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthor
Document author
Public propertyCaption
Document caption (filename)
Public propertyCategory
Document category
Public propertyComments
Document comments
Public propertyCreateDate
Document create date
Public propertyCreatedBy
The document was created by...
Public propertyKeywords
Document keywords
Public propertyLastSavedBy
The document was last saved by...
Public propertyLastSavedDate
Document last saved date
Public propertyName
Internal document name
Public propertyRevision
Document revision (saved n times)
Public propertyStatus
Document status
Public propertySubject
Document subject
Public propertyTitle
Document title
Public propertyVersion
The version of the document
See Also