Click or drag to resize

Sheet Methods

The Sheet type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose (Overrides Wrapper.Dispose.)
Public methodDraw
Draw to a GDI-Plus graphics context
Public methodRedraw
Force a redraw
Public methodSetDefaultMode
Activate pick mode
Public methodSetDirty
Force a redraw
Public methodSetMeasureMode
Activate measure mode
Public methodSetPanMode
Activate pan mode
Public methodSetSelectPolygonMode
Activate polygon mode
Public methodSetSelectRadiusMode
Activate radius mode
Public methodSetSelectRectangleMode
Activate rectangle mode
Public methodSetZoomMode
Activate zoom mode
Public methodZoom100
Zoom map to 100 percent.
Public methodZoomAll
Zoom to full extend
Public methodZoomIn
Zoom in
Public methodZoomLast
Zoom to last zoom position
Public methodZoomOut
Zoom out
Public methodZoomSelection
Bring all selected objects into view
Public methodZoomToLayerElements(MapLayer, IEnumerableObject)
Zoom the view to specified area
Public methodZoomToLayerElements(MapLayer, String)
Zoom the view to specified area
Public methodZoomToRectangle
Zoom to specified rectangle
See Also