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WizardPage Properties

The WizardPage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaption
Gets, sets the Caption of the WizardPage.
Public propertyCaptionImage
Gets, sets the CaptionImage of the WizardPage.
Public propertyDescription
Gets, sets the Description of the WizardPage.
Public propertyEnableApplyButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ApplyButton can respond to user interaction.
Public propertyEnableBackButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the BackButton can respond to user interaction.
Public propertyEnableCancelButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CancelButton can respond to user interaction.
Public propertyEnableFinishButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the FinishButton can respond to user interaction.
Public propertyEnableNextButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the NextButton can respond to user interaction.
Public propertyShowApplyButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ApplyButton is displayed in the WizardPage.
Public propertyShowBackButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the BackButton is displayed in the WizardPage.
Public propertyShowCancelButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CancelButton is displayed in the WizardPage.
Public propertyShowFinishButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the FinishButton is displayed in the WizardPage.
Public propertyShowNextButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the NextButton is displayed in the WizardPage.
See Also