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Document Class

The Document Class represents an loaded EasyMap document file (empx).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Easymap.AddIn
Assembly:  EasyMap.AddIn (in EasyMap.AddIn.dll) Version:
public sealed class Document : Wrapper, 

The Document type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnalysis
List of analysis objects.
Public propertyCurrentSheet
Returns the currently active Sheet
Public propertyDataSources
List of DataSources.
Public propertyDocumentFunctions
Provides common functions
Public propertyDocumentMetadata
Contains common metadata like author, last saved date, etc.
Public propertyDocumentVariables
Contains user-defined variables, which can be used in macros.
Public propertyExport
Export the Document to images or office formats.
Public propertyFactories
Create and Add Elements to the Document.
Public propertyFilename
Gets or sets the filename used to save the document. If this property is not set the SaveAs file dialog will be displayed when the document is saved.
Public propertyModified
Gets, Sets the modified state of the document. If the document is modified the user will be asked to save it when closed.
Public propertyNodes
Contains additional items.
Public propertyReports
The collection of Reports of this workbook
Public propertySheets
List of Sheets.
Public propertyShow
Shows or hides the document window.
Public propertyTitle
The Title of the document (as shown in the Title bar).
Public propertyViews
List of Views.
Public methodClose
Close the document. If the document is modified it will be saved using the default save logic (see save).
Public methodClose(Boolean)
Close the Document.
Public methodDelete
Deletes an element.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Document
(Overrides Wrapper.Dispose.)
Public methodFindByCaption
Finds an Component by its caption.
Public methodFindByName
Finds an Component by its name.
Public methodCode exampleFindElementByCaptionPath
Finds an Element (Sheet or WindowlessComponent) by it's path.
Public methodGetProperties
Gets a PropertyBag for the specified key.
Public methodReleaseFile
Releases the write lock on the Document File (empx).
Public methodSave
Writes the document to the file specified by the Filename property. The SaveAs file dialog is displayed if the filename property is not set or the document/file is readonly
Public methodSave(Boolean)
Saves the document to the file specified by the Filename property.
Public eventChanged
The document has changed.
Public eventCurrentSheetChanged
Current Sheet has changed.
Public eventViewStateChanged
The current view has changed
See Also