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Easymap.AddIn Namespace

The Easymap.AddIn namespace provides access to base classes of Easymap.
Public classAddInAttribute
This Attribute marks a class as an importable EasyMap AddIn. It implements System.ComponentMode.Composition.ExportAttribute. For more information about EasyMap Application AddIns see IAddIn.
Public classCode exampleApplication
The Application class provides access to global application properties and documents.
Public classApplicationFindFileEventArgs
Parameters of the find file handler event .
Public classApplicationFindFileEventArgsFindFileInfo
Holds the information for searching, browsing files.
Public classApplicationUnhandledExceptionArgs
Parameters of the unhandled exception handler event .
Public classApplicationEvents
Defines several application events, which can be binded.
Public classApplicationSettings
Temporary application settings
Public classCode exampleCommand
Represents an entry in the main menu or toolbar.
Public classCommandArgs
Arguments for click and update handlers of the Command.
Public classCommandCollection
Maintains a list of registered Commands.
Public classCommandCollectionCommandLineHandlerArgs
Parameters of the command line handler event
Public classDocument
The Document Class represents an loaded EasyMap document file (empx).
Public classDocumentCollection
List of all available Documents
Public classDocumentMetadata
Contains common metadata like author, last saved date, etc.
Public classDocumentVariablesCollection
Contains user-defined variables, which can be used in macros.
Public classFactories
Not supported, yet.
Public classFindFileArgs
Event arguments which provides data for find file event.
Public classNodeCollection
List of all Nodes in this document
Public classCode exampleRuntimeLicenseCollection
A list of runtime licenses.
Public classCode exampleSheet
A Sheet is a host for visual elements.
Public classSheetCollection
List of all sheets in this document
Public classSheetStatusChangedEventArgs
Base EventArgs class, which provides data for mouse events.
Public classSyncronize
Class to syncronize async operations.
Public classUnhandledExceptionArgs
Event arguments which provides data for unhandled exceptions event.
Public interfaceCode exampleIAddIn
Base interface for EasyMap application AddIns. The class gets automaticaly loaded on startup if it is decorated with the AddInAttribute (Note: A reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition is regquired!)
Public interfaceIAddInDescription
Interface for the AddInAttribute
Public delegateApplicationFindFileEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the FindFile event.
Public delegateApplicationUnhandledExceptionHandler
Represents the method that will handle the UnhandledException event.
Public delegateCommandCollectionCommandLineHandler
Represents the method that will handle the CommandLine event.
Public delegateCommandEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the Command event.
Public delegateFindFileHandler
Represents the method that will handle the FindFile event.
Public delegateSheetStatusChangedHandler
Represents the method that will handle the sheet status changed event.
Public delegateUnhandledExceptionHandler
Represents the method that will handle the UnhandledException event.
Public enumerationCommandType
Specifies where the Command should be placed in the user interface.
Public enumerationSheetCurrentMode
Current mouse mode of the Sheet