Degrees in the format degrees/minutes/seconds in easymap process

In the chapter Projections and Coordinate Systems, we saw what coordinate formats are used in easymap are accepted, and in the chapter Coordinate Transformation, how to convert the coordinate system to another. In this section, we will show you how to convert coordinates that are in the degrees/minutes/seconds system (i.e. 10°32'17'') into a decimal number to use for placements.

First note that the longitude must be in a column and the latitude in a separate column. If the longitude and latitude are comma-separated in a column, as may be the case, for example, as a result of GPS records, you must first separate them. There are two ways to do this:

  1. If all the data has a fixed number length, it can be separated by the partial jump function.

  2. If the data have different longitudes and the longitude and latitude are separated by a comma (e.g. 10°32'17.3'', 51°17''20.8'' ), you can use the following formulas to cut out the first and second parts (a new calculated column must be created for each):

    • Front number: Left([column name], Find(",", [column name], 0))

    • Posterior number: Part([column name], Find(",", [column name], 0)+1, 999).

Once the latitude and longitude are in two separate columns, a degree in degrees/minutes/seconds format can be converted with the following formula: DecimalDegree([column name]). If there is a comma in this number, set easymap currently requires a point as a decimal point (e.g. 10°32'17.86'').