Dynamic texts

Text modules and text macros play a role wherever texts are used. These can be used in free text, table headings, legend headings and file names.

text modules

easymap offers the possibility to save and reuse text modules. Open a context menu on a text field with a right click. Besides the Windows standard commands, the following additional commands are available:

Text macros

Text macros are texts with variable wording. They are inserted as placeholders, whose actual content is determined by easymap for the first time when the macro is inserted and is updated in the further course of processing (e.g. date, file name etc.).

Text macros simplify labeling at the many places where text can be inserted. They also support the automation of map creation. easymap automatically inserts a text macro into the headline of legends for analyses. For analyses based on only one data column (e.g. area coloring), the macro provides the name of the underlying data column; for analyses based on several data columns (e.g. circle sector diagrams), the macro provides the name of the corresponding analysis.

Text macros can be recognized by curly brackets {}. To create macros, easymap offers an expression generator, which lists the available macros. easymap distinguishes

  • global text macros (e.g. date or user name)
  • document-related text macros (e.g. file name, title, author or date saved)
  • Element related text macros (e.g. descriptions of analyses, tables, data columns)
  • user-defined text modules

User-defined text modules are texts or text fragments that are freely defined by the user (see Properties in menu File, tab Variables). These can be used, for example, to enter texts that are used in different places (e.g. on each sheet) once (e.g. name of department, data source, copyright).

Expression Categories

The following expression categories are available for text macros. Via Advanced... you reach a printout generator that offers further categories.

Error when evaluating expressions