infas 360 Data API

Knowing more about your own markets and customers is the be-all and end-all of any company. To enable our customers to do this easily and efficiently, easymap professional customers can conveniently download potential data on addresses at any time at the touch of a button via the new API data interface using the infas 360 data API. This enables easymap users to enrich locations or areas with more information beyond the company's own data and evaluate the opportunities and risks for sales and marketing. Typical potential data includes households, purchasing power and population data.

The connection can be found directly linked in the Data Import and Link Wizard and can be integrated directly via it.

When importing the data, please note that no link to the data API is established here. You get the current state of the data import from the database and then no automatic update of the data. In addition, we would like to point out that the pulled data is not cached by us and thus cannot be restored. You are responsible for the data backup by exporting the data from easymap as usual.

Data table explanation

Here you can see all possible columns of the data API. In addition, you can also look up how many credits a record of this value would cost.

Filter expressions

If you would like to limit your selection even further, you can choose from various filter options. Further narrow the data in space or by value, reducing your record count.
Since the data API runs via an OData interface, the usual filter expressions of the OData are adopted here. Here you can find the official documentation of the provider.
However, here you will find some important expressions that will let you solve most of the questions:




Example Result
Contains eq Plz5 eq '53639' You will receive only the postal code 53639.
Does not contain ne Plz5 ne '53639' You will receive all postal codes except the postal code 53639.
Greater than gt Plz5Ew60u65M gt 2000 You will see all zip codes that have more than 2,000 men between the ages of 60 and 65.
Equal to or greater than ge Plz5Ew60u65M ge 2000 You will see all zip codes that have exactly 2,00 or more than 2,000 men between the ages of 60 and 65.
Less than lt Plz5Ew60u65W lt 50 You will see all zip codes that have fewer than 50 women between the ages of 60 and 65.
Equal to or less than le Plz5Ew60u65W le 50 You will see all zip codes that have exactly 50 or less than 50 women between the ages of 60 and 65.
And-link and Plz5Ew60u65W gt 2000 and Plz5Ew60u65M gt 2000 The list of results includes all zip codes in which there are both more than 2000 men aged 60 and 65 and also more than 2000 women aged 60 and 65.
Or-link or Plz5Ew60u65W gt 2000 or Plz5Ew60u65M gt 2000 The results list includes all zip codes where more than 2000 men aged 60 and 65 live or more than 2000 women aged 60 and 65 live.