Pro - Features

These functions are only available if you have licensed the Pro version. This is included in an all-in-one package.

Note: Jegliche Veröffentlichung von Arbeitsergebnissen, für deren Erstellung die Funktionen von easymap office pro verwendet werden, ist aus lizenzrechtlichen Gründen nicht zulässig.

Accessibility analyses

Do you want to know how long the actual driving distance to your customers is or which customers can be reached in two hours? Then the advanced accessibility analysis can help you.

If you license easymap office pro from us, you will receive another selection in addition to the accessibility type "As the crow flies", which is unlocked by default: "Driving time/driving distance". It draws an isochrone around each location that corresponds to the reachable area by driving time or driving distance.


With the geocoding in easymap office pro you now have the possibility, in addition to the standard supplied grid geocoding in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, also to geocode house-exact and worldwide.
For this you get, for example, when placing customer points to choose between the two variants. So they always use the more accurate geocoding when you need it.

Area and location optimization with accessibilities

You can also have your territories or locations optimized according to accessibility with a pro - license. Let travel times and distances now become criteria for your new sales territories.

Territory analyses with accessibilities

Assess your sales territories based on new aspects. Travel time and travel distance are selectable in all territorial analyses and bring the assessment even closer to reality.

B2B Data

Complete your data with the integrated B2B database. Use further data to discover potential, prospective clients, new industries or new target groups.

Calculate routes

Do you want to calculate routes between two or more locations and not merely the linear distance? The route calculation feature lets you determine a route using different means of transport and criteria.