Territory Organization on Areas

In this workbook we show you how easy it is to create a territory structure with locations based on postal codes. In addition, all territory analyses are presented and an attractive export sheet is generated.

The workbook contains the following sheets:

Planning at area level

On this sheet, you can see a two-stage territory structure with Territories and Regions. The coloring of the Territories is set hierarchically to the superior Regions; so that a simple visual assignment of Territories to the Regions is possible. The Locations of the territories and regions have the same colors as the levels. Additionally, the locations have identified relationships to the Territory locations and Region locations while the Turnovers for Maintenance, Paper, and Cartridges per region are displayed using Bar Charts. The label representing each bar chart region stays below, while the percentage distribution stays above. The Color Legend above the Bar Charts serves to inform the product divisions. The Table Objects for the table "Territories+Customer Base" and "Regions+Customer Base" on the left side of the sheet provide further information on the individual Regions, such as the number of customers and the "Total Turnovers". Since the colors of the territories are in the table object, it can also be a replacement for a legend. Alternatively, you can make a Territory legend, Regions, visible in the Contents control window.

In the data window on the right-hand side, you can switch between the territory work tables "Territories+Customer Base" and "Regions+Customer Base" in the upper area. In the lower area you can switch between the imported table "Customer master", the query "Complete assignment" and the work table "Postal code areas+Customer master".


District analyses

On this sheet, the four different territory analyses are included: distance zones, catchment areas, key areas and provision based on the area level. For each analysis, a legend is visible in the Contents control window. In addition, the area locations are marked on the map with a gray house. The analyses are created via the Territory Organization control window in the context menu of the layers. For each territory analysis, a matching color legend and a histogram have always been created to illustrate the distribution across classes. Finally, a scale has been placed in the map to help you estimate the distances on the map.

The Content control window allows you to switch between district analyses by clicking the round radio buttons. The district analyses are part of a Mutual visibility group, so only one analysis is visible at a time. The legends, histogram, and headings change automatically as they are in a Simultaneous visibility group with the respective district analysis. The symbols for the locations of the customers can also be made visible on the map.


Routing and accessibility

This sheet shows you the optimized version of the area structure. The old version of the territories was optimized under the criterion of the fastest travel time* - 60 minutes travel time. The locations of the territories are not optimized because it would result in a change of address of the employee. Around the district locations, an accessibility analysis was made according to linear distance based on the level of territories. Customers are shown as symbol analysis. The table objects show sales per optimized territory and sales within each isoline of the accessibility analysis.
In the control window Content Route Calculations based on location can also be found. If you hover the mouse over each route or look into the properties of each route, you can see the distance in kilometers and the duration of the route by Shortest Driving Distance by Car. Finally, a scale has been placed in the map so that you can better estimate the distances on the map.

In order to focus on the accessibility analyses and the route calculations, topographic layers are not used in this map. The Internet map in gray tones serves for better orientation in space.

Export sheet with report

This sheet shows you an optimized display of a map with Report for exports to other formats, such as the easymap explorerimage files or office formats. To view the report, please click on Content with the right mouse button in the control window Area Report: Regions and select the command Show Report Preview from the context menu.

On the map, the Territories - Surfaces as well as the Territory Locations and Region Locations are visible. The customers are visualized as symbol analysis and classified according to the customer category A, B and C. Two circles with a radius of 20 and 40 km respectively can be seen starting from the Region locations and, if required, can be made visible in the Content control window.

On the left side, you will find other types of processed information. The Customer Classification block consists of Table objects, Graphic files, and Texts. The block turnover indicators consist of Individual charts and Legends. The key figures of the territory are in a Table Object. An Inset map, which highlights the section where the region is situated, you will find below. Graphic files and Texts serve to explain the locations.