Export Data

Under the menu File > Export the entire Data of a map folder can be exported into an Excel file or as individual CSV files.

  • First select the file format and then the tables.
  • Under Settings you can select different options for the export. For several selected tables, you can decide whether they are saved in one file or in individual files. In addition, you can determine here whether an overview page with short information about the export is generated or whether you want to use a set table filter.
  • After confirming the selection with Next you are prompted to enter the storage location and the file name. Also at this point you can have the names of the exported data automatically named by a macrosystem.
  • Click on Finish to create the file and open it immediately if necessary.


The overview page

Excel files contain data tables as well as an overview sheet with the name of the file, the output date and the corresponding map folder (with storage path). You will also find the worksheet names from the map folder as well as the worksheet names now used in Excel.