Symbol and Diagram Labeling

Symbols, diagrams or lines generated by analyses can be labeled depending on the data. The labeling is displayed near the symbols or lines so that a unique reference is given.

A special case is the Label analysis: Here the caption is used to define the wording of the displayed texts.

Depending on the analysis type, you can use the columns from the table that you selected for the analysis in order to label the symbols. For a location based analysis the Area Properties are not available. For area based analysis you can also use the standard labels of the respective area (geographical data)

Note: The data labeling of columns, bars or sectors in diagram analyses is not meant by diagram texts. You set these in the details of the analysis.

Inserting texts

To label symbols, charts, or other analysis output, open their properties from the Contents control window. There is a separate area called symbol text, chart text or line labeling, depending on the analysis.

The content of the text is compiled in the input field under user-defined labeling. This can be composed of constant text elements and via macros of variable texts from geographic data and other data.

  • If you want to insert the name or number of the area to which the diagram or symbol refers, select the corresponding column via the Text Macros > Area Properties button.
  • Under Text macros > Table columns the table to which the respective analysis refers is available. Select a column. If necessary, change the aggregation mode. If there is no data in the column for a symbol or chart, the text is inserted at Missing Data.
  • Constant texts that should appear under each symbol or diagram can be entered directly into the field under custom label.

Label Styling

The style of the texts can be changed for better readability in the map. For example, it is possible to apply a light background or border color to the text.

The following settings are available:

Label Location

Here you can specify where the label is to be positioned in relation to the reference object. You can select the positions top left, top right, top right, top right, bottom right, bottom left, bottom left, left and central by clicking in the corresponding field.

Font Type and Color

Set here the font and size as well as the font color.


No Effect: The text is displayed normally.

Shadow: The text is displayed with a drop shadow.

Outline: A wider border ("contour") is drawn around the edges of the letters.

Text box  
Fill Color

Enter a color for the text background - via the color selection field or directly as HTML color value.

Border Color

Specifies the color in which the frame around an object is to be drawn. You can specify the color using the color selection field or directly as HTML color value.

If no color is specified, no frame is displayed.

Changing the position of individual symbol and diagram labels

If you want to change the position of one or more symbol or diagram texts, they must first be marked in the map marked. Then open the properties of the marked objects from the context menu.

  • In the Style section you can specify a different alignment of the (Default) Text Position.
Note: However, you can only make this change to the display if you access a data table for which a primary key has been defined. You can find out how to define a primary key in your data here.